The sickness began with Ashley, then Nolan and Deacon can't be left out so he needed a pillow and ice pack too. They are smiling but they were not happy. I(Will) must have brought home strep from the office because it started with me and then Ashley and then Nolan got it. We started them on some antibiotics and things seemed to improve...but we should have realized that something was amiss when Ashley got an abcess on her right ear lobe next to ner new pierced ear. We took the earing out and I drained all the pus and had to switch antibiotics to get better coverage.
Then one week ago on Sunday Nolan woke up and said that something had bitten him in the middle of the night. As I looked closer I recognized that these were not bug bites but he had hives...probably from his antibiotics. By Sunday night his knees were swollen, his legs hurt and he could not stop itching. I recognized that this was not a case of your everyday "hives" but a rare reaction called Erythema Multiformae. The next two days were miserable for Nolan, and I must say I was getting worried. Kim was a basket case. She kept asking me "Is this normal?" and "When is this going to go away?" Tuesday night I called my dad and he hepled me administer a blessing. By Wednesday morning he was 80% better. Nolan asked me the next day "Why don't you give me and Ashley a blessing every time we are sick because that totally worked." From the mouth of babes. In answer to his question I don't often think about giving blessings when they have a cold or a cough but I will from now on. If you click on the pictures of Nolan you can see how the rash looked close up. (From a medical standpoint it was a very cool rash). Now one week later he is almost 100% better. Tonight is the first night that he has not complained that his knees, shoulders or elbows hurt him although he did have a couple of spots appear and bother him for a couple of minutes. All in all it has made Kim and I appreciate what a real trooper this little man is. He is quite brave, very strong willed, and most of all a really happy boy, things which are hard to see when he is his "normal 5 year old self". We love him and are glad to have him healthy.
that would scare me so bad. You're lucky to be a physicians so you could recognize that cause I think I would have rushed Babs yo the e.r. I'm glad he is getting better. The priesthood is awesome!
Kim and Will, administering this rash to cover the blatant child abuse is very clever! dark humor. poor Nolan! I would have freaked out!! you are a trooper!!!!!
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