Sedona is getting bigger and she has started to develop some rolls in her little legs and a double and triple chin. She is a pleasant girl and is starting to smile. I am pleased that she loves to smile at me but really its because I know the trick. I only try to get her to smile right when she wakes up or after she eats. She will usually give me a great big toothless grin a couple of times a day and this is what usually gets me thru the day. She is not attached to Kim like Deacon was at this age and likes to take naps on Dad's chest (a fact which I use to get a cat nap here and there).
We made a back scratching line and everybody but me was getting their back scratched. This is an activity which is beloved in our house. I have made the kids addicted to getting their backs scratched but I do enjoy sitting and scratching their backs.
Proof that she smiles (it's not just gas). Lynda can get her to smile too but not as effectively as I but she will smile at anyone if they catch her in the right mood. As proof we went furniture shopping and she was really excited about smiling at that little baby in the mirror. She just smiled and coo'ed for about 2 minutes. We have great kids and we can't deny it. W are so blessed to have them in our home. We thank our Heavenly Father every day that we have the opportunity and the means with which to care for them. They teach us something every day and try us from time to time.
Keep reading as there is another post below this that was added a few minutes ago. Have a great week everybody. Come visit us sometime.
Will and Kim and the QCMcLaws Clan
Cute pictures!! Where is Kim in the backscratching train??
Sedona is so pretty!! her onesie is cute, but I want to see her in Jilli's clothes!
I LOVE the new look of your blog! Too cute! I love checking your blogs for updates! Sedona is such a cutie! I love the picture of the backscratching train!
Hi Kim, It's Stephanie (Stewart)Pratt. I'm so glad I found your blog. I've always wondered where life has taken you and how you're doing. Congratulations on your new baby! If you're at all interested you can check out what we've been up to at I'd love to hear from you!
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