Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Deacon watching A Little Mermaid on the DVD player.
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The Ashlocks said...

So cute!

Stephanie said...

It looks like you had a great time! Family vacations are so much work, but so worth it!

bekki said...

Kim I love that it reminds me of Sailor she is has my i-pod watching movies of course she turns her headphones around so she can't hear anything but still she thinks she is cool

Lindsay said...

My inlaws are Richard and Joy McLaws....

The Heiner's said...

WHERE R U?!!!? I called last week and left a message. And you haven't updated your blog in forever! Are you ok?! Im hoping your just busy, from moving and all! Call me!


Random question...are you related to a Joy McLaws in Oakley Idaho? If so, can you contact me at

she use to be a grandma to me on my mission...