Tuesday, July 27, 2010

No more diapers for the McLaws'

Our sweet baby girl has decided she no longer wants to wear diapers!
She pretty much potty trained herself. She has had only a few accidents and has done so well. So if you need to know where a bathroom is at in any given place-give me a call, I know where they all are! Great job Sedi!


The Jones Seven said...

What a big girl!! Good job, Kim and Sedona!!

The Ashlocks said...

Me like your blog. Kids are cute!

Oh no, you found out that I was the one leaving the weird comments? Sorry!

Church Fam said...

Big day, when diapers aren't part of the costco trip

The Heiner's said...

Oh my goodness! She's so big Kim! What a cutie. And congrats on no more diapers. Woohoo!

Clark and Liesel said...

Wow! That is so great! She looks a lot like Ashley to me in this picture. Looks like you guys have been doing lots of fun things this Summer! We miss you!

The Ashlocks said...

No more diapers for 9 months ;)

bekki said...

Yea! That is so great. Race decided this week to get trained as well it is going to be so nice not to buy pull ups anymore.

Aimee's Family Journal said...

Until you have another one....!